Department Of Physics

“Obstacle acts as a stone in your way, Use it as a step”

Physics department was established in 1960 with subsidiary subject. The Department has one staff room, two laboratories with two darkrooms having good quality of instruments including OHP & LCD projector with internet & Wi-Fi connectivity. There are 1217 books, periodicals journals & various CDs available in central library. Approximately 9 books & research papers have been published by faculty members. Extra care is taken to pay individual attention to the students in their laboratory work, tutorial sessions & regularity of the student by the experienced faculty of the Department. Some scientists are also invited for teaching, examination and curricular development. Graduates from the department have carved their riche in distinguished careers in science and occupy leading positions in various institutes in India.

Shri H.M.Hinsu

Shri S.B.Nayee
Associate Professor

Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Shri N.N.Patel
Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed.

Assistant Professor

Shri Haresh Chauhan
Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed.